Retail update
Retail update
Welcome to the Pannone Corporate retail law update, designed to bring you the latest news and legal developments relevant to the retail sector. If there are any areas you would like more information on or if you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know via our feedback form or get in touch with any member of our team.
01 Latest articles

How to win friends (followers) and influence people
The fairly recent, but meteoric, rise in influencer marketing promotions has attracted the attention of the UK’s independent advertising regulator, the ASA.

Importing goods from abroad
The Government has recently undertaken a consultation as regards the system of importing and exporting IP protected goods by the secondary market into and from the UK.
Cross border trade – can website sales targeting one region infringe rights in another?
This case was a trade mark infringement claim brought in the UK court against companies within the Amazon group.

How to win friends (followers) and influence people
The fairly recent, but meteoric, rise in influencer marketing promotions has attracted the attention of the UK’s independent advertising regulator, the ASA.

Important potential changes for businesses importing goods from abroad
The Government has recently undertaken a consultation as regards the system of importing and exporting IP protected goods by the secondary market into and from the UK.

Cross border trade – can website sales targeting one region infringe rights in another?
This case was a trade mark infringement claim brought in the UK court against companies within the Amazon group.
20 October 2021
The latest legislative changes to petitions for winding up
As we see the final phasing out of the vast majority of the Government’s support initiatives relating to Covid-19, we explore the new legislative landscape.
21 October 2021
Navigating the maze of regulatory compliance
Events over the last 18 months have been not only unprecedented but have also served to demonstrate that businesses must prepare themselves for even the remotest and theoretical of risks.
10 November 2021
Restrictive covenants and contracts update
The impact of new and significant case law on the field of restrictive covenants and how effective those covenants may now be, including an update on key recent cases in relation to the law of contract.
03 News flash
04 Key contacts
Our quarterly retail update is designed to bring you the latest news and legal developments relevant to the retail sector. If there are any areas you would like more information on or if you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to let us know via our feedback form or get in touch with any member of our team.
Copyright in this publication is owned by Pannone Corporate LLP and all rights in such copyright are reserved. Pannone Corporate LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with number OC388393. Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A list of members is available for inspection at the registered office, 378-380 Deansgate, Manchester M3 4LY. We use the terms “partner” to refer to a member of the LLP.