Fixed fee employment law
and HR support service

Fixed fee employment law
and HR support service

Fixed fee employment law
and HR support service
HR Plus is an employment law and HR support service designed to help businesses with their employment needs for a single fixed monthly fee.
As one of the leading employment teams in the North West, we have drawn on our significant expertise to put together a package that addresses the most common HR challenges facing SMEs.
We recognise that business owners are busy and often without in-house HR support. That's why we work in plain English, only use qualified advisors, and deliver practical advice rather than just the letter of the law.
Our fixed price HR Plus package is tailored to match the size of your business. If you’d like to find out more about how our employment team can support your business, please contact us.
The employment team
Employment is a fast moving and complex area of law.
The impact of regular new legislation and developing case law presents a real challenge for employers who want to spend their time focusing on growing their business and developing their people, but may find themselves grappling with HR issues and defending claims instead.
We specialise in providing timely, practical, accessible, and commercially astute advice and support to our clients on the full range of employment law and HR Issues

“Offer a personalised service, so we know who are dealing with and enjoy an active and very good relationship.” and that “communication is what sets Pannone Corporate apart.”

What is HR Plus?
A carefully crafted package of employment services designed to help SMEs manage their HR needs in a simple, responsive, and cost-effective way.
For a fixed cost each month (dependent on the size of your business) we will help with day-to-day employment issues, strategic planning and support to ensure you have all the tools you need to manage your business and your employees now and in the future.
Your subscription to the standard HR Plus scheme provides you with:
Advice Retainer:
Retained legally qualified lawyers to provide advice and support on day-to-day employment and HR issues. Our advice is always subject to legal privilege, whereas this is not always the case with unqualified advisers.
Dedicated team:
Unlike call centre advice helplines, you will have a dedicated team led by a client relationship Partner or Director. This will enable us to get to know you and your business so that you receive effective and relevant advice.
HR strategy sessions:
Our HR strategy sessions take place at the start of our relationship and again every six or twelve months. The sessions are tailored to your requirements and normally include a PLOT analysis (People, Learning, Opportunities and Transformation) and development of a HR strategy that aligns with your company objectives. Subsequent sessions are used to monitor progress against targets or to review the strategy as necessary.
HR documentation:
Provision of a core bundle of HR documentation, including:
- employment contract and handbook
- induction checklist for managers on recruitment
- induction form
- employee’s contact details and next of kin form
- annual leave request form and record sheet
- medical records form
The drafting of any bespoke employment documents will be on a fixed fee basis.
Contract review:
An annual review of your current principal contract of employment and staff handbook providing recommendations for necessary modifications.
HR Forum and events:
We will invite you to our bi-annual HR Forum and our monthly HR Club. These events are held in person and/or online.
Briefings and legal updates:
We will keep you up to date with the developments which affect your business by way of e-shots and a monthly newsletter.
Regular statistical reports and recommendations:
These reports can be used to give an overview of all current matters and status, types of queries being raised, identify potential patterns and areas for training. We will also include an analysis of the data and recommended next steps.
For more information:

Copyright in this publication is owned by Pannone Corporate LLP and all rights in such copyright are reserved. Pannone Corporate LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with number OC388393. Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. A list of members is available for inspection at the registered office, 378-380 Deansgate, Manchester M3 4LY. We use the terms “partner” to refer to a member of the LLP.